Corporate profile

Board of Directors

The OUE Board exercises breadth and depth of expertise in providing leadership and governance, advising and overseeing OUE’s Management. Each member of the Board is a leader in his or her chosen profession, bringing a range of skills and experience that complement those of his or her fellow directors. In addition, the two independent directors add an independent element to our Board.

Executive Chairman and Group Chief Executive Officer
Deputy Chairman and Non-Executive Non-Independent Director
Lead Independent Director
Non-Executive Non-Independent Director
Independent Director
Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director
OUE Celebrates 60 Years of Transformation

Since 1964, we have redefined Singapore’s skyline with iconic office, hospitality, retail, and residential landmarks, enriching lives and communities with exceptional experiences. Through our diversification into healthcare, we are also scaling Singapore’s medical excellence across Asia to support the region’s growing healthcare needs.

At OUE, we look at opportunities differently, by driving positive change and transforming potential. Building on our track record, we will develop iconic projects, transform communities, and provide exceptional service to customers and deliver long-term value to stakeholders.