OUE Limited

IR Policy

1. Policy Principles

  1. OUE Limited (the “Company”) is committed to maintaining regular, timely and transparent communication with the Company’s shareholders (“Shareholders”), prospective investors, analysts and the media, in compliance with the prevailing requirements for the disclosure of information in accordance with listing rules of the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (“SGX-ST”), the Code of Corporate Governance, and other applicable securities laws and regulations.
  2. The Company’s investor relations (“IR”) policy (the “IR Policy”) outlines the practices and processes that facilitate regular, timely, accurate and fair communication of information to Shareholders and the investment community.
  3. The IR Policy is reviewed by the Company on a regular basis to ensure its relevance and effectiveness. Updates may be made, when appropriate, to reflect latest best practices.

2. Communications Principles

  1. The Company recognises the importance of timely disclosure of material information necessary to avoid the establishment of a false market in its securities or which would be likely to materially affect the price or value of its securities (“Material / Price-sensitive Information”), and strives to keep Shareholders and the investment community well informed and up-to-date on information pertaining to the Company that would be relevant to their investment decisions.
  2. The Company is committed to treating each and every one of its Shareholders equally. All Material / Price-sensitive Information will first be released to SGX-ST via SGXNET on a timely basis and all SGXNET announcements will also be made available on the Company’s corporate website. In the event of an inadvertent disclosure of Material / Price-sensitive Information during analysts' briefings, investor meetings, or otherwise, the Company will take immediate steps to release the Material / Price-sensitive Information via an announcement on SGXNET.
  3. The Company will strive to ensure accuracy, transparency, and clarity in its announcements
  4. The Company does not comment on rumours or market speculation. However, if the rumours or market speculation indicate that Material / Price-sensitive Information has been leaked, or are in fact false or inaccurate, and have, had, or is likely to have an effect on the price of the Company’s securities or a bearing on investment decisions, the Company will promptly clarify such rumours or market speculation through announcements released to SGX-ST via SGXNET.

3. Communication Strategies

  1. The Company strives to maintain regular engagement with Shareholders (retail and institutional) and the larger investment community to provide updates on the Company’s development and financial performance, insights on its strategies, market outlook, as well as to garner feedback and views for consideration.
  2. The Company will give reasonable access to analysts and the media to help them formulate informed opinions on the Company, but will not seek to influence their objective opinions.
  3. Where applicable, notices of and invitations to the Company’s general meetings will be extended by the Company to all relevant Shareholders in advance.
  4. The Company’s board of directors, senior management and external auditors will be present at general meetings to address Shareholders’ queries. Shareholders will be given reasonable opportunity at general meetings to ask questions and communicate their views on issues affecting the Company and the matters being tabled for consideration.
  5. All Shareholder and investor queries should be directed to the Company’s IR team. The Company will communicate only through its designated spokespersons, via approved channels.

4. Contact Details

  1. Shareholders can contact the Company’s share registrar at the following address / numbers:

    Boardroom Corporate & Advisory Services Pte. Ltd.
    1 Harbourfront Avenue
    Keppel Bay Tower #14-07
    Singapore 098632
    Tel: (65) 6536 5355
    Fax: (65) 6438 8710

  2. Shareholders and the investment community can contact the Company’s IR team via e-mail at investorrelations@oue.com.sg, via telephone during office hours at (65) 6809 6064.

5. Shareholder Privacy

The Company recognises the importance of Shareholders’ privacy and will not disclose Shareholders’ information, including Shareholders’ personal data, without their consent, unless required by or permitted under the law. The Company’s Privacy Policy, which describes how personal data is collected, used, disclosed and processed by the Company, is available on the Company’s corporate website.

OUE Celebrates 60 Years of Transformation

Since 1964, we have redefined Singapore’s skyline with iconic office, hospitality, retail, and residential landmarks, enriching lives and communities with exceptional experiences. Through our diversification into healthcare, we are also scaling Singapore’s medical excellence across Asia to support the region’s growing healthcare needs.

At OUE, we look at opportunities differently, by driving positive change and transforming potential. Building on our track record, we will develop iconic projects, transform communities, and provide exceptional service to customers and deliver long-term value to stakeholders.